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Search, borrow, and order

At Campus Helsingborg Library, you can borrow and read literature and access other resources within the subjects offered at Campus Helsingborg. Here, you will find information on how and what you can borrow from us. Please get in touch if you can't find what you're looking for!

Search for what you're looking for

LUBcat contains information on printed material such as books, journals and reports, but also e-books. Here you can also see which library at Lund University holds the material and whether it is available for loan. You can request material from one library within Lund University and pick it up at another.

LUBcat – the library catalogue

LUBsearch is the shared access point for both electronic and printed material at Lund University. Large parts of the electronic material are available in full text and a student or LU account allows you to access this from wherever you are.

LUBsearch – discovery system for printed and electronic resources

If you know within which subject you are searching for information, try taking a search route via our subject guides. If you are interested in finding material of a particular type, such as books, daily newspapers or doctoral theses, you can choose to search by material type.

Subject guides – relevant resources within our disciplines

In the library there is selection of research method literature. All books concerning research methods,  that are not course books, are collocated. The method literature is in the same area as the reference literature.

Our method literature in LUBcat

Database Sage Research Methods

Everything you need to know about borrowing books

Before you can start borrowing, you need a library card and a library account. As a student, you first need to obtain an LU card, which serves as your library card. Then, you create a library account by registering in the library catalog, LUBcat.

LUBcat - the library catalogue

Other users, please visit the library desk. Remember to bring valid photo identification.

In order to borrow books, it's necessary for you to have a library account in LUBcat.Once you're logged into your library account, you can track the books you've borrowed along with their return dates. You can also place holds on borrowed books and request books from other LU libraries. While waiting for a book, you can see your position in the queue. Additionally, if you accidentally accrue overdue fees, you have there's also an option to settle them.

LUBcat – the library catalogue

You need a library card to borrow books from the Campus Helsingborg Library. Students and staff use their LU card as library card. Other users receive a library card at the circulation desk. The library card is valid in all the Lund University libraries.

Getting a library card

Students and staff: Pick up your LU card at a card station.

Read about card stations at the LU card

Other users, not affiliated with Lund university: Go to any of the libraries at Lund university to pick up a library card. Bring a valid photo ID.

Remember your PIN code; you'll need it when borrowing from the self-service machine!

The Campus Helsingborg Library is part of the network of libraries at Lund University. For loans, we apply our common lending conditions.

Lending conditions for library loans (PDF, 571 kB)

Direct pick-up

When the book is listed in LUBcat as being at "Campus Helsingborg" under the section "Available on shelf", you can pick it up yourself.

LUBcat – the library catalogue

See a map of the library

Most books are classified by author surname. Exceptions are books with an editor or books with more than three authors, which are placed on the shelf according to title.

You borrow your books in our self-service machine.

Returning books

You can only return books during library opening hours. You can return your books in the book drop when the library is closed. Books, returned in book drops, are checked in the following working day. Course books that are overdue then will generate an overdue fee.

Books which were borrowed from a library within Lund University can be returned at any of the University’s libraries.

View the other libraries within the Lund University and their opening hours here

Course books

Loan period 14 days, with automatic renewal, if there is no reservation for the book. Course books can be renewed maximum 5 times. Also applies to older editions.

Other books

Loan period is 28 days at a time, with automatic renewals if there are no holds. The maximum number of automatic renewals is 5 for students and the general public, and 12 for researchers/teachers. A notification will be sent to your email when the book is due.


The conditions for e-book loans vary and are governed by the publishing house that produced the book.

You can find the publishers' conditions and loan periods here

Check the return date in LUBcat

Books borrowed from different libraries at the University may have different loan periods. Check the return date under Your summary in the library catalogue LUBcat.

LUBcat – the library catalogue

All the books you borrow from us are automatically renewed up to five times, as long as there is no waiting list for them. You can also manually renew these loans ahead of time through your account in LUBcat. Please note that by doing this, you'll use one of your allowed renewals.

LUBcat – the library catalogue

Should you wish to extend your borrowing period beyond the maximum limit, kindly bring the book to the library.

The Campus Helsingborg Library charges a late fee of SEK 10/book and day for course books returned after the loan has expired. This applies to all borrowers.

  • The late fee is applied as of the day after the stated return date. No fee is generated during days when the library is closed, or during weekends.
  • Books, returned in book drops, are checked in the following working day. Course books that are overdue then will generate an overdue fee.
  • The late fee is capped at SEK 280 per book.       
  • If you have SEK 100 or more in unpaid late fees, you are automatically denied any new loans and renewals at all libraries within Lund University. The debt must be paid in full before you can start borrowing books again.

Paying your fees

If you have outstanding fees on your account you can pay online. Log into your LUBcat account and click on your charges, just below the overview of your fees there is a payment button. You may also pay your fees at the Circulation desk during hours when the library is open

Link to LUBcat


If the book has not been returned 28 days after the return date in spite of two reminder notices, an invoice is generated. The replacement cost is 600 SEK per lost item. 

Here you can read the lending conditions at Lund University libraries (PDF, 571 kB).

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us!

krav [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (krav[at]ch[dot]lu[dot]se)

Request books that are not in our collection

In most cases, you can request books from any library within Lund University. When a book is available for ordering, there will be a button in LUBcat labeled Request this item. The transportation time usually ranges from two to three working days.

LUBcat – the library catalogue

Requesting interlibrary loans

If you are a student or employee at Campus Helsingborg and need materials for your studies or research that are not available in any of Lund University's libraries, you can request the material through interlibrary loan with us.

Search first

Search first in the library catalogue LUBcat, or in LUBsearch for articles. You can find some articles that have been published in printed journals via the Lubito service.

Lubito - scanned articles from the University Library's collection

Some older Swedish literature (printed before 1957) may not be listed in LUBcat. This type of material can be requested via the University Library (UB).

Catalogue -1957, older literature at the University Library

Requesting directly through Libris

If you find a book you are looking for in Libris, you can request it directly via Libris.
Before making your first request, you need to create an account, se below.
Library card (lånekort), a field in the registration form, is the last 10 digits of your LU card number.

Create an interlibrary loan account in Libris (form only in Swedish)

If you can't find the book in Libris

If the material you want to request is not listed in Libris, you can use the request form below:

Interlibrary loan request form, for material not found in Libris

How much does it cost?

  • Interlibrary loans are free of charge for students and researchers. 

How long does it take?

How long it takes to receive a requested book or article depends on availability and the home library of the requested book or article. Articles tend to arrive faster than books, and you should expect to wait at least a week for a book. We notify you via email when the requested material has arrived. It can be picked up at the information desk. If you have any questions, please contact us!

fjarrlan [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (fjarrlan[at]ch[dot]lu[dot]se)

If there are materials you'd like to see added to the library's collections, submit a purchase request and we will look into acquiring it. Please provide your suggestions using the form below. The book or journal you suggest may be purchased in electronic format; please indicate your preference. The time it takes to acquire a recommended book depends on availability and the supplier.

Submit a request